Interview of Grandma Doble by Stewart Mott

Below are, courtesy of Marcy and Aunt Nancy, links to four hours of video interview of Grandma Doble sponsored by Stewart Mott (see Wikipedia bio of Stewart below). These are links to YouTube. Thank you Aunt Nancy and Marcy! (Let me know if you have any trouble viewing – rsh)

Part 1

Part 2

Stewart Rawlings Mott (December 4, 1937 – June 12, 2008) was an American philanthropist who founded the Stewart R. Mott Foundation. He was the son of Charles Stewart Mott, and appeared on Nixon’s Enemies List for his support of liberal causes.

Mott attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for three years and finished his education at Columbia University School of General Studies, earning two Bachelor’s degrees, one in business administration and one in comparative literature. He wrote a thesis on Sophocles for a Master’s Degree from Columbia, which he never finished. His philanthropy included abortion reform, birth control, sex research, feminism, arms control, gay rights, civil liberties, governmental reform, and research on extrasensory perception. He gave his occupation as “maverick” in the 1978 photo essay Cat People.

Shortly prior to his death Stewart Mott resided in Bermuda for most of his time, and also traveled to his numerous houses in the United States. His houses included a house trailer on a Florida farm, and a Chinese junk moored on the Hudson River in New York City.[1]


I was thinking that since everything seemed so biblical right now, with that pic of Paine’s Creek flooding, I was reminded that God’s sign to Noah after the flood was the rainbow so maybe we all need this right now.  — Beth