By Janis Mara Marin Independent Journal
Posted: 11/22/2012 06:00:00 PM PST
Trees Down
The Hero of Nemo
Grandma and friends on Lake Lauderdale, Cambridge, N.Y.
Somehow Sue and I ended up with these photos so we scanned them and are putting them up for all to view, with approval from the powers that be that is. When I asked Syvia about them she said, “Those pictures are of my mother and her fiancé, Bob Laudon, taken at Lake Lauderdale in Cambridge, N.Y. They’re the ones in the left front of the first picture. I can’t remember the names of all their friends.” Enjoy!
Equine Insight
Cape Cod at Christmas
R.N. Doble Obituary Monday, Nov. 23, 1964
Alex “Evil Knievel Jr.” Berbrick/Roebuck
12 feet high and 60 feet long (YouTube)
Town of Brewster Mooring Regulations
What you all have been waiting so patiently for…
Town of Brewster Mooring Regulations
Morning on the Pond at Closing
Sent by Jeff. Gorgeous!
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